
  • BROOK James (2012). Be bulletproof. How to achieve success in tough times. Vermilion
  • COVEY Steven R. (2020). The 7 habits of highly effective people. Simon & Schuster
  • GOLDSMITH Marshall (2013). What got you here won’t get you there. Hachette Books
  • HALLER Reinhard (2020). Die Macht der Kränkung. Ecowin
  • SCHRANNER Matthias (2010). Verhandeln im Grenzbereich. Eco Ullstein List
  • TAUS Lydia (2023). Wir werden Dich nie verlassen! Liebe Grüße. Deine Probleme. Buchschmiede
  • VOSS Chris (2017). Never Split the Difference. Negotiating as if Your Life Dedepended on it. Generic